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Gemma Owen admits England legend dad Michael 'isn't happy' about her joining Love Island but trusts her not to 'embarrass' him as she aims to dispel misbeliefs about footballer offsprings.'I'll wave the flag anyway I like!' John Lydon reveals his RESPECT for the Queen as he discusses attending Platinum Jubilee celebration - despite branding Royals 'a bunch of German tourists with a Greek thrown in'.Mindy Kaling bares her midriff in a yellow crop top and mini skirt as she embraces the season: 'Spring is sprangin'.'Everything is on fleek!' Tulisa embraces her urban roots in an edgy crop top and joggers as she celebrates the return of chart-toppers N-Dubz.'He's knocked his ex-girlfriend off the top spot!' Harry Styles' new album breaks the record for most vinyl sales which was previously held by his former flame Taylor Swift.Lucy Mecklenburgh gives birth! Star and Ryan Thomas announce arrival of baby daughter.

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All TV&Showbiz articles, Wednesday 1 June

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